Friday, December 29, 2006

2006 is winding down

I'm ready for 2007! I always get antsy towards the end of a year, especially if it hasn't been a stellar year. This year was middle of the road. It started out well. I watched Queen Latifah's Last Holiday and finally got my butt in action and went to France. I had a blast, met a cute stranger at the airport who I didn't get a chance to thank for helping me get to my destination, picked the wrong foods at restaurants, saw the requisite tourist attractions, and fell in love with Paris.

This was also the year that I asserted my independence from the mind control my mother has over me. Not to say anything against her, but she has a lot of irrational fears that she passed on to me. It has been very hard breaking those chains but let's just say going to Paris was NOT encouraged by my family. :)

This is also the year that I decided that I wanted to move to France sooner rather than later (i.e. next year!). The career path that I'm on now won't give me a break for the next 6 years (at least) so I made the executive decision that I wanted to get in a year of travel and fun before I take the plunge and become a working adult with a true profession.

The rest of the year was uneventful. It's a blur actually. I didn't stick to my fitness goals. Bleh. But I DO have a plan for the new year. I know, I know. But I do. Besides, the possibility of going to the land of thin, chic women for a year is enough to inspire anyone to get in shape! Sunday, I'm just going to ring in the New Year's alone. I like using that time as a moment of reflection. I want to get going January 1 for real. No excuses about anything! I don't want to waste a moment not working towards any of the millions of goals that I have. It's just up to me to keep the fire going.

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