Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Deux Jours a Paris

So I bought 2 Days in Paris. I couldn't resist. Might as well live vicariously through movie characters and my favorite blogs.


The Un-Ashtangi said...

Funny movie.

B said...

When you can't be in Paris, having French movies and reminders are great alternatives!

Flat Stanley in France said...

Was it good? Let me know.. Also, please stop by my blog http://islandgirl4ever2.blogspot.com and look under March 3's post.. scroll down a bit it's under the crocuses.. I listed you on my post Kudo's to Fellow Bloggers.. and have some awards for you... I enjoy reading your blog and hope you are able to live here one day.. I've been living her about 1 1/2 years and love it... Take care, Leesa (Flat Stanley's blog is what I am currently logged in on.. it's a project I am working on for my friend's daughter in L.A. - you can check it out, too... Lots of pics of Paris.. A+

Anonymous said...


i've just started reading ur blog -i'm trying to figure a way to move to paris as well (it all started with a french boy, who broke my heart into bits, lol, but enuf of that) but ive still got a year of university to finish :-(
U could try taking up a position of a bilingual secretary, depending how good ur french is, dont know how well paid it is though.
U should (if u haven't already) read petites anglasise. Its about this english blogger who wrote about her adventure in paris, the blog got really popular and she ended up getting fired from her job, coz it had some nasty comments about her boss. anyway she managed to get her blog written into a book.
I hope u get there one day in the not too distant future. Let us know if ur ever in London and i'd be more than happy to be ur guide u seem like my kinda person (not in a gay way or anything, but its just hard to come across someone that has the same passion as u and interests, esp. about france and i come from england and the english are known not to like the french,) there are beautiful places that tourists just never read about and the nightlife is pretty good u just need to know where to stay away from.
Anyway wish u all the best

Bisous, bisous

The Franco Fille (francophile) said...

Thanks for the comments! I've been a horribly sporadic blogger.