Saturday, June 16, 2007


I am very stressed right now.

So stressed I was having palpitations for a few weeks. My eyelid was twitching a few days ago (a sure sign of stress). I've been waking up at night short of breath. I am falling apart.

Between school (studying for an exam) and trying to pack my life into a few boxes and move out of my apartment and move abroad for the summer. I am slowly losing it. I have so many little tasks to do: verify I have a seat on the flight (check), purchase a connecting flight to NY (check), test my new phone and SIM card (check), suspend my American cell phone, suspend my car insurance, figure out where to store my car, pick up the keys for my storage room, pack, shop for last minute needs, go to Church. . .are you tired yet? I know I am. That's only half of the stuff on my list.

Right now, I'm focussing on deep breathing and making small steps. Packing and shredding papers a little at a time. Packing up books and mags into my trunk. Lining up shoe boxes. Packing away things I don't need. Just taking it a little at a time. I don't really have anyone to complain too after all (as my family reminds me) this was MY choice. Right?

But if I can just make it to the week after next, I'll be in France, sipping on un cafe and traipsing down the Champs. I just need to get there. And all will be right again.


Anonymous said...

Don't forget to eat and breathe! Enjoy your trip!

The Franco Fille (francophile) said...

Thanks! (been doing too much eating though lol)