Wednesday, December 27, 2006


I think it's about time that I started blogging since I'm reading a dozen blogs myself! It's good blog karma, no? Read a blog? Post a blog!

I chose the name "the franco fille" because I love all things french: music, movies, the language, the country, eh hem, the men. . .I just love french culture! I plan to move there in the near and distant future. I recently applied to be a language assistant in France, and I have a 5 month wait before I hear my fate. I will definitely keep you posted on that process!

I'm a professional student (more about that later) and having a love-hate relationship with my career choice. I hit my mid-20s and suddenly realized that I wanted to travel, have international friends, and find the joie de vivre lacking in the U.S. Unfortunately, I am knee-deep in academia. I've decided that if I'm not accepted into the program, I will just have to find a way to spend 2 weeks backpacking in Europe next summer.

This blog will probably be all over the place--like me! I have so many different interests from art to film to fashion to french culture. So, if you're at all interested in ANY of the able, come back! It is my desire to blog daily. (we'll see how long I can keep it up!) I hope you enjoy what you read here. And I LOVE comments! Please lemme know you're reading.

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