Thursday, March 20, 2008


I'm hoping to catch up on some reading in the coming weeks. Some books I've recently checked out from the library and others that I'm reserving:

Almost French
My French Life
Blame it on Paris

I'd love to hear any other recommendations that anyone has regarding ex-pating to France or living in France. Thanks!


marie said...

you know i think life is too short to not follow your dreams! (even if you think they're a little crazy)
learn french, do a teaching english course/or enrol in a french university (they have courses in english too!) if you don't have a degree yet (teaching english could be tricky without one i think)..
et puis buy a ticket, find a tiny little studio and go! (well this is what i'm doing)
bon chance!

The Franco Fille (francophile) said...

Oh Marie, I'm making plans girl! I'm gonna get there :) It might take me some time, but I'll make it!

La Belette Rouge said...

I envy you reading those for the first time. For a bit of a fun take on Paris I would recommend "Me talk Pretty One Day" by David Sedaris. I also like Adam Gopnik's "Paris to the Moon" and there are many more great books on France. I have a list of my favorites on the sidebar of my blog.

parisienne257 said...

blame it on paris was such a fun book! i loved it! i'll be reading Almost French next :)

I've been to Paris twice now, and I can't seem to get enough. I'm planning another trip soon

The Franco Fille (francophile) said...

I will check it out La Belette Rouge! Thanks!

The Franco Fille (francophile) said...

Paris is like an addiction Debra. It truly is. I look forward to Blame it on Paris!